Friday, September 28, 2012

Isla Turns Four!

Next up, Isla Bean's 4th birthday!  Crazy that I have been a mother for four years now.  On Isla's birthday we had a family celebration with Papa, Gigi and Krista.  Isla was very excited to open all of her gifts:
 She really loved her dress-up shoes from Papa and Gigi:
She really did not like all of us singing "Happy Birthday" to her.  Just like her parents, doesn't like to be the center of attention:

We finally got a smile once she blew out the candle.  I think it was because she wanted the cupcake - a girl after my own heart:
Happy Birthday Miss Isla Bean!  You are growing into such a caring, sweet (and sometimes feisty!) young lady and we love you so much.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Drew Turns Two!

So after the whole wedding weekend we had to hurry home and get ready for the birthday week!  Papa and GiGi stayed with us to help us celebrate.  First came Drew's 2nd birthday on Monday, and, as you can see we were all still a bit tired from the big weekend:
Isla was a great helper and taught Drew how to open his presents:

After his lesson from Isla, he got into the spirit quick and reminded us all that he is turning two by yelling "mine, mine, mine" every time we opened a present.  He really liked the drum from Mom and Dad:

The tool bench and t-ball set from Papa and GiGi were big hits as well:

 Notice Isla's defensive stance in the picture above - do we have a future baseball player among us?  I think so:
So Drew really isn't into sweets at all.  While I consider myself lucky and don't want to push it I can't help but wonder how he can resist a cupcake?  Crazy.  He really didn't want anything to do with this:
Don't worry - I ate it for him (and maybe a couple more).  Happy Birthday Drew man!  We love you so much and you bring a smile to our faces everyday!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Anna & Robert's Wedding

The wedding day finally arrived and it was a beautiful morning - I think this was the only day we didn't have smoke in the area due to the fires:
 First order of business was breakfast with the family:
Then it was off to the cabins to begin hair and make-up.  Anna and I cuddled in the bed to get warm:
Anna waits patiently to get her hair done:
The finished product:
Next on to make-up:
Finally in her dress sneaking a peak at Robert who was getting his pictures taken:
I had to hand the camera over to Ryan during the ceremony and these were the only ones he was able to get (while trying to handle Isla and Drew):

Isla was quick to take off her boots after the ceremony (I don't blame her):

 Papa and Grandma entertaining Drew until dinner:

The happy couple arriving after pictures:
Dinner time:

First dance:
Father/daughter dance:
Sexy bride showing off her cowboy boots:
It was such a beautiful wedding and we all had a great time dancing the night away, especially these three:

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


On Friday we packed up the kids and headed up to Redfish lake and then on to the wedding location, Idaho Rocky Mountain Ranch.  Right before we left we discovered that my aunt's car had a flat tire.  Of course the boys were all over fixing it:
 And we were all about watching them:
I unfortunately don't have any pictures from Redfish as I was walking around the entire time pushing Drew in the stroller trying to get him to nap - it didn't work.  The joy of traveling with kids.  We cut the trip to Redfish short and went to the Ranch to check in.  After finally getting Drew down for a nap we hung outside our cabin waiting for the rehearsal to start:

Rehearsal pics - I was so proud that Isla, who is the flower girl, stayed with me the whole time during the rehearsal:

After rehearsal we enjoyed a quiet dinner:

Drew, the ring bearer, finally decided to wake up from his nap and grace us with his presence:
The rest of the night consisted of Ryan and I trying to put the kids down to bed after they watched some Dora:
Once they were down it was off to the hot springs with the rest of the wedding party/guests to relax before the big day!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Pre-Wedding Festivities

What a busy two weeks it has been!  I have A LOT of pictures to share from all of the wedding festivities so I'm going to break it down in multiple posts hopefully over this next week (my goal is one post per day - wish me luck!).

First, the pre-wedding festivities.  Anna and Robert had a lot of activities for the wedding party to partake in before the big day.  We headed up to Sun Valley on Wednesday night and Thursday morning it was off to the salon for the girls so they could get manis/pedis/tanned.  Isla even got her first manicure from Grandma:
While the boys golfed, we took the kids to the put-put course out in front of the clubhouse. Isla was really into it and actually completed six of the holes before she got bored.  Drew was so-so about it:

Later that night the kids went to Grandma's house and we went to a pre-wedding dinner at the Knob Hill Inn hosted by Robert's aunt and uncle.  It was fun to hang out with the cousins and friends that were already in town for the wedding:

A sexy sister shot (say that three times fast):
We also made it out the Cellar post-dinner for some more celebration: