Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Anna & Robert's Wedding

The wedding day finally arrived and it was a beautiful morning - I think this was the only day we didn't have smoke in the area due to the fires:
 First order of business was breakfast with the family:
Then it was off to the cabins to begin hair and make-up.  Anna and I cuddled in the bed to get warm:
Anna waits patiently to get her hair done:
The finished product:
Next on to make-up:
Finally in her dress sneaking a peak at Robert who was getting his pictures taken:
I had to hand the camera over to Ryan during the ceremony and these were the only ones he was able to get (while trying to handle Isla and Drew):

Isla was quick to take off her boots after the ceremony (I don't blame her):

 Papa and Grandma entertaining Drew until dinner:

The happy couple arriving after pictures:
Dinner time:

First dance:
Father/daughter dance:
Sexy bride showing off her cowboy boots:
It was such a beautiful wedding and we all had a great time dancing the night away, especially these three:

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