Tuesday, September 25, 2012


On Friday we packed up the kids and headed up to Redfish lake and then on to the wedding location, Idaho Rocky Mountain Ranch.  Right before we left we discovered that my aunt's car had a flat tire.  Of course the boys were all over fixing it:
 And we were all about watching them:
I unfortunately don't have any pictures from Redfish as I was walking around the entire time pushing Drew in the stroller trying to get him to nap - it didn't work.  The joy of traveling with kids.  We cut the trip to Redfish short and went to the Ranch to check in.  After finally getting Drew down for a nap we hung outside our cabin waiting for the rehearsal to start:

Rehearsal pics - I was so proud that Isla, who is the flower girl, stayed with me the whole time during the rehearsal:

After rehearsal we enjoyed a quiet dinner:

Drew, the ring bearer, finally decided to wake up from his nap and grace us with his presence:
The rest of the night consisted of Ryan and I trying to put the kids down to bed after they watched some Dora:
Once they were down it was off to the hot springs with the rest of the wedding party/guests to relax before the big day!

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