Thursday, September 27, 2012

Drew Turns Two!

So after the whole wedding weekend we had to hurry home and get ready for the birthday week!  Papa and GiGi stayed with us to help us celebrate.  First came Drew's 2nd birthday on Monday, and, as you can see we were all still a bit tired from the big weekend:
Isla was a great helper and taught Drew how to open his presents:

After his lesson from Isla, he got into the spirit quick and reminded us all that he is turning two by yelling "mine, mine, mine" every time we opened a present.  He really liked the drum from Mom and Dad:

The tool bench and t-ball set from Papa and GiGi were big hits as well:

 Notice Isla's defensive stance in the picture above - do we have a future baseball player among us?  I think so:
So Drew really isn't into sweets at all.  While I consider myself lucky and don't want to push it I can't help but wonder how he can resist a cupcake?  Crazy.  He really didn't want anything to do with this:
Don't worry - I ate it for him (and maybe a couple more).  Happy Birthday Drew man!  We love you so much and you bring a smile to our faces everyday!

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