Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas 2008

For Isla's first Christmas my Mom, Dad and Anna all made the trip to Boise. Ryan and I have decided that Isla is a good reason for us to finally stay put for Christmas and have the grandparents come and visit us! My Mom and Anna were able to come a week before Christmas and hang out with Isla. My Dad luckily made it out of Bellingham on Christmas Eve so he could be with us Christmas morning. We had nightmares that he wouldn't be able to get out due to the snowy weather. We were so happy that we were able to be with each other on Christmas day and really happy that my Dad brought his Wii. The day after Christmas we went up to Sun Valley to visit more family. Isla was finally able to meet her great Grandaddy, great aunt Margot, great uncle David, and cousins Erica, Laura and Drew. It was a very quick trip, but very fun. Lots of good food and wine was had by all! Merry Christmas to everyone.

Isla in her baby bumpo seat that GrandmaGiGi got her:
Hanging out with Aunt Anna:
Grandpa and GrandmaGiGi enjoying some Isla time:
My Mom, Anna and I thought it would be fun to go for a walk on Christmas Eve because it was snowing. It turned out to actually be raining so it wasn't as fun as we originally thought!:
Christmas tree with all of the gifts - GrandmaGiGi went a little overboard!
Anna, Hank, Isla and my Dad on Christmas morning:
Isla's stocking was about as big as she is:
Ryan and Isla up in Sun Valley:
All the cousins (Erica, Anna, Laura, Drew, Krista and I) at the Pioneer:
Cousin Erica with Isla:
Me, my Mom, and Isla with my Grandaddy (four generations):
Isla in her pretty Christmas dress:
Poor Ryan - I made him take this picture with me - he just looked to cute in the Christmas light headband:

Friday, December 19, 2008

Portland Visit

My wonderful husband let me escape motherhood for a night in order to go to Portland to celebrate my friend Meagan's 30th birthday. I have missed two of my other friends 30th birthday parties (sorry Summer and Sara!) because of Isla's birth so it was really important that I got to go to Meagan's party. I had such a great time seeing my girls and the party was a blast. Meagan and her husband rented a karaoke machine (and it was a professional one that took up there entire living room) so we sang the night away (and maybe did a little bit of drinking!). Here are the very entertaining pictures from the trip:

The huge karaoke machine:
Me and my girls (minus Holly and Christina - we missed you!) Sara, Meagan and Summer:
Sara & Meagan starting out the karaoke:
Meagan blowing out her candles on her yummy cake. Her friend Marcy made her a red velvet cake:
Me and the Birthday Girl:
Sara making her Sararita's - I do hold her partially responsible for my hangover the next morning:
Okay maybe this was the reason for my hangover the next morning:
Beau with the girls. I unfortunately went to bed before Beau's performance of "Private Dancer" with his shirt off (but suspenders still on) on the karaoke machine:

Bellingham Visit

Isla and I were fortunate enough to go to Bellingham to visit my parents for a week. Isla was a great flier (which is nice to know for our trip to Maui in February!). The hum of the engines put her right to sleep. It was great to see my Mom and Dad and let them bond with their one and only granddaughter. My Dad hadn't seen Isla since she was born so he was very excited that he got to see her for an entire week. He would come home during his lunches and play with her and take the early morning feedings which was awesome! Isla got to go to two parties while she was in town, one was in her honor thrown by my parents. The other party was a white elephant exchange and Isla was definitely a hit - some people even wanted to take her home! The time really flew by while we were in Bellingham, but we had such a great time visiting with our friends and family. Here are some pictures from the week:

Isla got to meet her Great Grandpa Lingbloom:
Hanging out at lunch time with Grandpa:
Falling asleep with GrandmaGiGi:
All dressed up for party #1:
Getting to meet the girls (Maia, Ilea and Chloe):
And Wayne:
All dressed up for party #2:
Looking pretty in her Santa hat:

Monday, December 1, 2008


This Thanksgiving we took Isla on her first mini-trip and went up to Sun Valley to spend it with Grandma Connie and Papa Randy. The meal was absolutely wonderful and Isla did very well on her first road trip (she slept the entire way) and being away from home for a couple of days (she slept great at night). While we were up in Sun Valley we discovered that Isla really likes it when her clothes are off. She couldn't stop smiling and talking once I took her very cute outfits off and was a little fussy when I would put them on. She is such a funny girl and we absolutely can't get enough of her!

Connie, Ryan and Isla:
Randy & Isla:
Mom and Isla on a pre-dinner walk. The weather was absolutely beautiful and warm (in the 50's) while we were up there:
Isla wondering what in the heck her Mom is talking about:
Isla having fun with her clothes off:

Crapple Cup

Well it was a very very disappointing season for Husky fans and the Apple Cup didn't make it any better. Thank goodness we were at a party where there was alcohol so we could drown our sorrows. The party I am referring to was at the Hamilton's beautiful new house that they just moved into to. A great time was had by all and Isla got to hang out with her friends Delaney and Payton. Hopefully next year the Huskies will be better!

Momma and her husky pup:
Isla (9 weeks), Delaney (15 weeks) and Payton (15 weeks):
Isla and Payton:

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

More Isla Pictures

We are so in love with our little girl and think she is just the cutest thing! I wanted to share some updated pictures of Miss Isla:She likes to fall asleep under her play mat:

Hank's Tummy Time

Poor Hank. He just doesn't get that much attention anymore. Whenever we would bring out the camera it was always to take pictures of him. Now, things have definitely changed. He hasn't been the focus of any pictures since our little girl came home . . . until Saturday night. We had Isla's tummy time mat all set up on the floor and Hank decided that it was time for him to try it out. He placed himself perfectly on the miniature boppy pillow and pacified with his goose. It was too funny not to take pictures of him. Hopefully he enjoyed the short time the focus was placed back on him. Here are the pictures:

Weekend Fun

Last weekend Isla's aunt Anna and Grandma Connie came to visit. It was Grandma Connie's birthday and Isla had a fun time hanging out with her: