Thursday, March 25, 2010

Deja vu

Holy crow I can't believe this is my 100th post! It doesn't seem that long ago I started this blog with our first post announcing we were pregnant with Isla.

I think it is only fitting then that on our 100th post we announce that the Skene family will soon become a family of four. That is right - we're pregnant! We will soon have another little one making their appearance on or around October 5th. If that date sounds familiar - it is. It was also Isla's due date. Hence the title of the post :-). We'll see if this one comes early like their sister or is born closer to the due date.

I am currently 12 weeks and starting to get my energy back. You definitely show a lot sooner with the second pregnancy. Unfortunately, I have a feeling that I might start wearing maternity clothes sooner rather than later.

Here is a picture of the little bugger at 10 weeks:

We feel so blessed and cannot wait to meet the new baby Skene next fall!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Things I learned this weekend . . .

Ryan and I finally had much needed date night this weekend. Grandma Connie came down to watch Isla while Ryan and I went to dinner and then the Jason Aldean concert (Grandma Connie also got up with Isla the next morning so Ryan and I could sleep in - what a treat!). The concert was actually really good and I learned some things while I was there:
  • Another reason to like the rain from a song by Luke Bryan - "rain makes corn, corn makes whiskey, and whiskey makes my girl a little frisky". Love it.
  • That short Daisy Duke denim shorts (and I mean short!) are apparently back in.
  • I'm really becoming a country music fan.
  • I may have a slight crush on Jason Aldean and his song, "The Truth", is one of my favorites.
During the day on Saturday and Sunday I got to hang out with my favorite 18 month old and learned:
  • Watching your toddler walk around without any clothes or diaper is probably one of the cutest things ever.
  • Isla likes to rest her hands on her stomach when she walks.
  • Whenever I need a good laugh I look at this picture:

(Isla with crazy hair, monkey pajamas, and her Grandma Connie's pink rhinestone cowboy boots)

Here is a random little video for the Grandparents in Bellingham who are having serious Isla withdrawals. This is also for Aunt Anna so she can see how cute Isla looks in the dress she got her:

Monday, March 15, 2010

Shower for Baby Boy Hare

Ever since I had Isla I have been anxiously waiting for my college girlfriends to jump on the baby train. Well I finally got my wish when my friend Meagan announced she was pregnant back in August! To celebrate this wonderful occasion I went to Portland this weekend for her baby shower. Her due date is still a month away and while we do know the sex (a boy) they are keeping the baby's name a secret.

It was great to get away for a night and hang out with my girlfriends and share baby stories. It looks like the baby bug has caught on as my other girlfriend Holly is expecting her first (a girl) at the end of July. I am so excited!

Here I am with the two mommies to be the night before the shower (don't you love the collection of candy on the table):
Meagan's Mom and sister did a wonderful job hosting the shower. A picture of the beautiful table filled with flowers and goodies:
Hanging out and catching up with friends at the shower:
The gorgeous mom-to-be opening her presents:

Holly getting some practice in before her little one arrives in late July:I can't believe the next time I see Meagan she will be a Mom! I am so excited for her and can't wait to meet her little man.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Fun with Aunt Anna

Aunt Anna came down to visit this weekend and Isla had so much fun with her. On Friday night they played around on Anna's bed and had a blast (face plant and all):

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

For the Grandparents

Of course after I posted my "talker not a walker" post, Miss Isla decided she wanted to walk. The grandparents have been after me to post a video of her walking and I was finally able to get one:

You'll have to excuse the blanket, binky, and moaning - she was winding down from her day and not too happy that I was making her walk. She prefers to walk when no one is looking or paying attention.

Monday, March 1, 2010

The Mullet

Ryan and I like to watch American Idol together. Make fun of us if you would like, but it really is one of the few shows that we agree on. We look at it as couple bonding. Well the other night we watched the the guys perform and when I saw Alex Lambert sing he immediately reminded me of someone, I just couldn't remember who. It wasn't until the next morning I realized who it was. Here is Alex Lambert on American Idol: And here is our baby girl:
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, our daughter has a mullet. I've been praying and praying for her hair to grow faster so she is out of this phase, but it is not happening as quickly as I would like. For now we use barrettes and pigtails to mask this lovely hairdo. I know every child goes through a weird hair phase, I just wish it would be over soon. We still think she is pretty cute though, mullet and all.