Monday, March 30, 2009

Solid Foods

Due to Isla being sick we had to put a hold on starting her on solid foods. The stubborn girl would purse her lips anytime we tried to feed her with the spoon. I think this may me because we forced the horrible tasting antibiotics down her throat for a week. This weekend we tried some apples and some sweet potatoes. Neither were a big hit. The apples may have been a little tart for her - she gave us some good faces - and the sweet potatoes upset her stomach. After the sweet potatoes she started pursing her lips again so I'll give her a couple days without solids and then try some new stuff. Here are some pictures from the apples:

Not quite sure:
Apple face:

The girl still does like to eat her oatmeal (most of the time). We got a good video of her last week eating her cereal for dinner. She was in a funny mood:

Six Months!

The past month at the Skene household has been an interesting one. Right after we got back from Maui, Isla decided that she didn't want to sleep eight hours straight anymore and decided to start getting up every three or four hours again. Ryan and I tried the cry it out method and it did work, but then we found out that she had a darn ear infection again and that was why she wasn't sleeping. I think we might get a parents of the year award for that one! So we got Isla on her THIRD round of antibiotics for the ear infection that just won't go away. Right after we got her on the medication she came down with bronchiolitis and we had to stay home with her for a couple of days. The poor baby was just miserable. The antibiotics upset her tummy and then she was wheezing and couldn't breath that easily. Needless to say she wasn't sleeping well at all! And neither were her Mom and Dad. After about a week of the antibiotics I decided to take her off of them because she hated the taste and they upset her stomach. That night she slept from 8 at night until 7 in the morning when we woke her up. Had I known this I never would have given her the antibiotics!

We were lucky enough to have visits from both grandmas last week. Ryan and I finally got to go out and talk to each other! My Mom came just as I got sick, so that worked out as well. It's still nice to have your Mom around when you get sick. We are so lucky to have parents that will drop everything and come and help us if we need it. Thank you!!!

Last week Isla had her six month check up and now weighs 19 lbs 3 oz (90th percentile) and is 26.5 inches long (75th percentile). Her head came in at 17.5 inches (90th percentile - this may explain why she has a hard time keeping her head up for longer that a couple of minutes when she is on her tummy!) At least the girl is consistent. I was thinking we may have broke the 20 lb mark, but it appears that miss Isla has hit a plateau with her weight. Everything else checked out just great and her lungs were all clear of the bronchiolitis and she finally got rid of her ear infection.

This weekend Isla also got a visit from her aunt Kim and Grandpa Jim. She hadn't seen them since she was two months old! Here are pictures from the visit:

Isla putting on the charm for her guests:
Hanging out with aunt Kim:
And her Grandpa Jim:

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Isla's New Toy

Isla got a new toy this weekend and it was a big hit! I swear she would fall asleep in this thing if we let her. I just wanted to post a video of her enjoying her new toy:

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Rice Cereal

Our pediatrician said that once Isla reached 5 months we could start her on rice cereal. I wasn't expecting much, but we got some really good photos of this event. She now is on to oatmeal single grain cereal and likes that much better:

First bite:
Are you serious?:
Maybe some more?:
Still not sure:
Thinking about it:
Opening up for more:
Okay it's not that bad:


Aloha! Ryan, Isla and I had the joy of traveling to the beautiful island of Maui for our winter vacation. We joined my parents and sister and stayed at my Grandfather's beautiful condo at Napili Point. Ryan and I hadn't been there since our honeymoon and it was crazy to think that this time we were bringing our 5 month old daughter along. Man how time flies!

We had the best time. We went whale watching, sat by the pool, swam in the ocean, went to a Jimmy Buffet concert, drank and ate a lot, and basically just enjoyed being on vacation. Isla also had a great time while she was there. She turned 5 months old, got to try rice cereal for her first time, rolled over for her first time and is beginning to sit up on her own. She also kept us in hysterics with her "talking", which can sound like she is screaming at times.

Going on vacation with your 5 month old is a lot different than vacations without them. For instance, I finished one book instead of 5, didn't really "tan" as the sun isn't good for a baby, was asleep by 9 and up most mornings at 6:30 or 7:00. But when all is said and done I loved having Isla with us for a week and half and getting to see her reach some of her milestones firsthand. My parents and sister were such a great help with Isla and Ryan and I got to go out for drinks with friends and go to the beach to swim.

The weather was really cold in Maui this year, but still warmer than Idaho! I don't ever remember wearing a sweatshirt and jeans at night while I was in Maui, but I did this time. They had the coldest night on record (51 degrees) while we were there. The stormy weather made for some good surf though. We got to watch the crazy surfers off of Napili Point (a place that they call "Hole in the Head" for good reason) while sipping our cocktails. We did have some beautiful days too! And we got to see a ton of whales - my favorite part. Here are some pictures from the fun trip:

Isla and I getting ready to board the plane to Maui:
Ryan and Isla on the plane. Isla turned out to be the best flier! She smiled and giggled our entire flight over to Maui - it was almost as if she knew where we were going:
Ryan and I on the lanai at the condo after we got there:
My sister, me, and my mom getting ready to head to Napili Beach for a cocktail.
Cocktails at Napili Beach. Notice how I'm totally ignoring my child and trying to decide what to drink. Anna was so much help on this vacation! Love you!:
So I caved and bought Isla some sunglasses for the trip. Ryan hated them and said that she looked like she was going to go play some raquetball. I do agree, but I still thought they were cute:
Our view everyday from the pool. I know life is tough:
Isla's spot by the pool:
Isla took her naps by the pool so Mom and Dad could enjoy the sun:
Isla also got to enjoy her first cocktail:
Ryan and I were also lucky enough to go to a Jimmy Buffet concert with my parents while we were there. Anna graciously offered to stay home and watch Isla. Thanks for the tickets Dad the concert was awesome. Can't think of a better place to see Jimmy Buffet!
Ryan and I could not get over this parrothead:
Anna and I enjoying a beautiful Maui sunset (and sending out the vibe):
The condo has a huge mirror in the living room which kept Isla entertained:
Me and the family: