Thursday, November 18, 2010

Big Boy

Well it's official - Ryan and I have big babies. They don't necessarily start out big (both were 6 lbs 11 oz at birth), but they pack on the pounds once they are born. Drew had his two month appointment yesterday and he weighed in at a whopping 13 lbs 5 oz. That is a full 2 lbs heavier than his sister at this age. That put him in the 90th percentile for weight and his height was 23.5 inches which put him in the 75th percentile. Since his birth he has doubled in weight (with most of it going to his cheeks as evidenced in the picture above) and grown 4 inches - that's a lot in only 8 weeks! He is now smiling a lot more and even smiled at his sister last night, which brought tears to my eyes. He has been such a good baby and has brought so much joy to our family - we love you baby Drew!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween Pics

Here are some pictures of my cutie pies (and aunt Anna - yes you are cute too, Anna!) dressed up in their Halloween garb. Miss Isla was a witch and Drew was a skeleton - you can see that Drew is already in awe of his big sister:
We decided not to do the traditional trick-or-treating with Isla this year - maybe next year. Instead we did a Halloween House Crawl with our friends and kiddos. I unfortunately don't have any pictures, but Isla had a lot of fun and even took a couple of swings at a pinata at one of the houses. I think the sugar may have had something to do with that!