Wednesday, June 18, 2008

24 Weeks

As promised, here I am at 24 weeks (I can't believe I'm in my sixth month!). I have been feeling really well and the baby is moving a ton. She especially likes to start kicking whenever I eat. She must love food as much as her Momma! Working out is getting a little bit tougher - I had to go down a riser on the step in my aerobics class and I can't jump up and down like I used to. Since I'm carrying her so low I constantly have pressure on my bladder and it is not comfortable! I finally bought all of the nursery furniture yesterday. Who knew how hard it would be to find a reasonably priced black crib with a changing table and dresser? I hope to have the paint picked out for her room this weekend. Love to all! - Heather

Monday, June 9, 2008

Ultrasound Photos

Ryan and I had the joy of seeing our girl two weeks in a row with our two ultrasound appointments. The first ultrasound was when we found out the sex. During this appointment the ultrasound tech thought she may have seen a blood vessel close to my cervix which could cause a problem during the birth so she wanted me to get a second opinion. At the second appointment with the other doctor he believes that the blood vessel that the other ultrasound tech found is not as close to my cervix as originally thought. But in order to be sure he wants to see me again in a couple of weeks. It has been a bit stressful, but I am trying to be positive as there is nothing I can do about it. The good news is that the baby is healthy! We got a ton of pictures, but I thought I would post only a couple that you can see very clearly. The first is just a profile of our beautiful girl, followed by her shapely legs and then the last one is where we caught her sucking her thumb. I promise to send another belly picture soon as I feel as though I have doubled in size since the last one. Enjoy!

Sunday, June 1, 2008


We had the joy of hosting my cousin Wayne and his beautiful girls Ilea, Chole, and Maia this weekend. Wayne participated in the Ironman competition here in Boise. The race was 70.3 miles long (1.2 miles swimming, 56 miles biking and 13.1 miles running) and Wayne finished it in 5 hours and 47 minutes, beating his previous Ironman racing time by 4 minutes! It was so much fun watching the race and cheering on the competitors - too bad the weather wasn't that great. Here are some pictures from the weekend:

Friday night we introduced Wayne and the girls to Rock Band. Both Chloe and Maia were quite the singers and Ilea rocked it on the guitar.

Here we are waiting for Wayne at the bike to run transition:

I couldn't believe that Wayne managed a smile after biking 56 miles! On to waiting for him at the finish line:

The girls were able to jump out at the end and run with Wayne to the finish line, but unfortunately I wasn't able to get a picture. Here are Wayne and Chloe in a post-race photo:

Way to go Wayne! I am in awe of anyone that can do a race like that.

San Diego

For Memorial Day weekend we went down to San Diego with my family to celebrate my cousin's, Drew, graduation from the University of San Diego. It was a bit chilly to be on the beach, but we had a lot of fun hanging out with family and friends. We are so proud of Drew and wish him the best in his post-college days - welcome to the real world Drew!

We tried to get a picture of my Grandaddy with all of the grandkids who were able to make the trip down to San Diego. We were so excited to have him down there with us. He turns 90 in August!

Here is a shot of the view we had from our condo which was right on the boardwalk on Mission Beach. Yes - that is a party hat on my mom. Us Detwilers know how to have a good time!

And some late night shots:
My Dad never fails to fall asleep sitting up at all of our get togethers. Usually he has a glass of wine in his hand (which he never spills!). Sorry Dad couldn't resist posting the token Tom-falling-asleep-in-the-middle-of-a-party shot. Love you!
Since I can't partake in the drinking I had to find my own fun so I made Anna play with my hair and work on her "creative" hair styles. This one was the winner:

Here I am looking a bit bigger at 21 weeks.