Monday, April 20, 2009

Sun Valley

This past weekend my Mom flew into town and we all headed up to Sun Valley to celebrate Anna's birthday (her real birthday was on Sunday). We started out the day on Saturday at my aunt KE's for breakfast, then we went shopping downtown Ketchum. The town was absolutely dead so it sort of felt like we were the only ones around and had all of the stores to ourselves. Saturday night we went out to dinner and then drinks. Ryan and I ended up celebrating a little bit too much that night considering we didn't get home until 3:30! Yeah, Sunday was not so much fun. Thank goodness my Mom was here and helped out with Isla while Ryan and I nursed our hangovers.

My Mom and Hank on the drive up to Sun Valley. Can you tell that Hank is just a little bit of a baby - he practically sat in my Mom's lap the whole drive up:
Isla having fun at Anna's birthday dinner:
The Girls:
Isla enjoying Anna's birthday card:
And her birthday treat:
Here are the special late night shots that I don't quite remember taking:
We got down to Boise in the early afternoon on Sunday and actually were able to enjoy the beautiful weather. I think Isla really likes the warmer weather - she was smiling all day:

Monday, April 13, 2009


When Ryan and I got pregnant last year we promised each other that we would make time for just us and get away every once in awhile. Well we were lucky enough to do just that this past weekend. We packed our bags and headed west to Portland for a night of fun, friends and music. We stayed at an amazing hotel downtown call The Nines and we highly recommend it to anyone who may be going to Portland. Ryan and I did some shopping (I really miss Nordstrom!) and then met up with my friends, had some dinner and then went on to a Reckless Kelly concert. The concert was probably one of the best we have been to and it was sold out so there were a lot of RK fans. It was so much seeing my girlfriends as well and we had an awesome surprise when I found out that my friend Sara and her boyfriend Rob got engaged on Friday!!! We are so excited for them and cannot wait for their wedding. Here are some pics from the fun weekend getaway:

Sara and I right after she told me the good news:
The happily engaged couple:
Some couple shots from dinner- Gavin and Meagan:
Summer and DJ:
Holly and Heather (Schuyler had to miss out on the weekend festivities so Heather came as Holly's date):
Sara, Ryan and I at the RK concert:
Rob and Gavin being Rob and Gavin:
Late night shot of the girls:

So what did Miss Isla do while we were gone? She got to hang out with her auntie Anna! Unfortunately Isla had to come down with a double ear infection (seriously, they won't go away) the night before we left so Anna didn't get much sleep. We love you Anna and thank you so much for letting Ryan and I get away for the weekend. You are the best! Here are some pictures from Isla's weekend:

Isla got to play with her friend Payton Bordner:

She also got to hang out with Dad Sunday afternoon and watch the Masters in her BSU hat (and looking very cute I might add):

Monday, April 6, 2009

Just like her Daddy

It is funny how much Isla is turning out to be just like her Dad. Apart from looking exactly like him (and having the same hair line) she has also taken on some of his traits. I love my husband, but he can be very stubborn and it appears that Isla is the same way. She does not like it when we put a spoon in her mouth. She purses her lips and looks away as if to say "No way, no how, not gonna put that in mouth". Slowly she is backing down on this and trying out some solids. Her Grandma Connie was able to get her to eat cereal and pears this morning. Maybe we are making some progress with the solids, but I'm not going to push too hard just yet.

Isla is also turning out to be a baby that likes to just sit and observe. When she is on the floor she really has no desire to start moving around. She'll roll from side to side and look around, but that is about it. I was sort of beginning to worry that maybe something was wrong because other babies her age are a lot more mobile than she is. Then Grandma Connie informed me that Ryan was exactly the same way when he was a baby. Connie would watch all of her friend's kids crawl around and play while Ryan would just sit and watch them. As it is now Isla is following in her Dad's footsteps, but that could all change in a matter of weeks.

In the past week Isla is now sitting up on her own and rarely falls over. She will start to lean forward, but can now correct herself and sit back up. I still like to leave the boppy pillow around her though when she is on the ground playing with her toys. Here are some pictures of our baby girl - she is getting so big!:
Miss Serious: