Monday, October 5, 2009


“Dada”, “Mama”, “kitty”, “uh-oh”, “shoes” are a few of the words that Isla has been saying over the last couple of months. Ryan and I have not really counted any of these as her “first” word due to the fact that she doesn’t use them consistently or in the right context (although she is getting close!). We are also very thankful that Isla’s daycare has taught her to say “more” and “please” in sign language. This new found communication has been so much fun!

This past week Ryan and I were pleasantly surprised when Isla started to say “hi”. We were even more surprised when she started using it consistently and in the right context (i.e. when someone comes through the front door, when we get her up from her nap). My heart melts every time she says it and I got a little choked up when I walked in the front door yesterday and she looked at me with the biggest smile and said “Hi!” Ryan and I have officially decided that “hi” is Isla’s first word. “Kitty” comes in as a close second though.

Here are some recent pictures of Isla over the last couple of weeks. We have discovered that she loves puzzles and her car seat. Whenever her car seat is in the house she plays with it for hours (hours in toddler land equals about 20 minutes):

Looking happy at the BSU tailgate last weekend:

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