Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Goose Egg

The weather was finally nice this weekend and we made sure we got outside as much as possible. It has taken way too long for spring to get here! Aunt Anna came down to visit this weekend and we took her, Ryan, Isla, Hank and Leo to the park to play. Ryan brought his basketball and Isla loved playing with it. Unfortunately I don't think Ryan got to play as much as he would have liked:Just prior to our walk to the park Isla had a little bit of a fall and received her first "Goose Egg". I think it's pretty good that it has taken this long for her to get one, but it was still so sad to see her get hurt. It happened pretty innocently. We were all outside in front of our house and she was sitting on one of the steps. I think she tried to get up and lost her balance and somehow did a face plant on the ground. She was pretty brave and cried only a few minutes before we distracted her with a trip to the park. Here is a picture of her first Goose Egg:
On a side note, I had a wonderful Mother's Day that was filled with a pedicure, chocolates and beautiful cards from Isla and Ryan that made me cry. I love being a Mommy!

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